TOSSIN:Loi anti sachet Bénin


Books & Reference


In order to reduce the effects of pollution and climate change, Benin adopted Law No. 2017-39 26/12/2017 prohibiting production, import, export, marketing , the possession, distribution and use of non-biodegradable plastic bags in the Republic of Benin.This law of 20 articles divided into 5 chapters regulates the use of plastic bags and prohibits those which are non-degradableThe anti sachet law application gives you access to all the articles of this law of which you can read the text or listen to the audio version. Each article can be shared across social networks and messaging platforms. You can also add them to your favorites for later use.Thanks to its search engine, the application allows you to find articles based on their references and based on their content.---Data source The Laws proposed by TOSSIN are extracted from files from the Benin government website ( They are repackaged to facilitate understanding, exploitation and audio reading of the articles. ---DisclaimerPlease note that the TOSSIN app does not represent a government entity. The information provided by the app is for informational purposes only and does not replace official advice or information from government agencies.Please refer to our terms of use and privacy policies to learn more.